Elias, Branding Studio, webflow partner

The Flomodia temple

Your brand, our focus
Your brand, our focus
Your brand, our focus
Your brand, our focus
Graphic charter
Brand Idea
Motion Design

Flomodia is a community dedicated to entrepreneurship.

they bring individuals together around content that aims to inspire, educate and entertain. Their mission is clear: to push people to take action, to rise and to find their personal development. With an assertive mantra, “Let's F*cking Do,” Flomodia embodies determination and the idea that anything is possible. They chose to build their identity around the concept of the “Temple of Entrepreneurship”, a space for entrepreneurs to share and grow. It is a community bringing together thousands of doers, around different themes and verticals. Content shared face-to-face or remotely, personalities from different backgrounds, with different specialties.

Today Flomodia has established itself as a reference in France, for entrepreneurs and project creators. They were able to interview numerous personalities, and launch several YouTube channels. They regularly organize events in Paris offering ever richer and more inspiring content.

This media group has succeeded in creating a space where knowledge, audacity and innovation meet to allow visionary minds to find the answers to their professional challenges. Whether through articles, video interviews or podcasts, Flomodia embodies a space for reflection, learning and networking, attracting entrepreneurs from around the world eager to push the limits of their ambitions.


Founders of Flomodia

This brand is embodied by its founders: Flo and Mo, who demonstrate every day that “nothing is impossible”. Through hard work and determination anything is possible. The impossible is possible when you give yourself the means to achieve your ambitions, when you undertake, and when you thrive on diversity. It is true success that allows you to really thrive.

DA visual

Studio Elias initiated the complete rebranding of Flomodia by supporting them in defining their brand identity. We worked with them to specify their values, mission and purpose, by adopting a strategic approach to brand positioning. This resulted in the creation of the concept of the “Temple of Entrepreneurship”, which symbolizes the spirit of Flomodia.

Custom illustration pack

On the visual level, we designed a new artistic direction, including a modern logo, an impacting typography, a vibrant color palette and a set of unique illustrations created by Amandine Poupet. All of these components have been integrated into a comprehensive 90-page brand platform. We also supervised the deployment of this new identity on social networks and on a showcase site, while supporting the creation of a physical space dedicated to entrepreneurship.

The Flomodia project allowed Studio Elias to explore the creation of a powerful and inspiring brand identity, perfectly aligned with the ambitions of entrepreneurship. By giving life to this project through artistic direction and strategic support, we have contributed to making Flomodia a true temple of entrepreneurship.

Thanks to Flo & Mo for their trust.

Pipole, a kid's dream.

Graphic charter

Bigbuddy, much more than training, education.

Graphic charter
Brand Idea
Motion Design

It's time to turn your project into a brand

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Experience
Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Experience