Webflow website
January 2024


Flomodia is a community of doers gathered around content whose sole mission is to inspire, educate and entertain.

It's the way they're using to get people to take action. Encourage them to rise... and to seek their personal development.

Because for them, nothing is impossible. So... LET'S F*CKING DO.

The Studio Elias teams first supported Flo & Mo in defining their brand: their values, their missions, their reason for being. We analyzed and positioned their brand while striving to gain maximum height. This is what gave life to the temple of entrepreneurship.

Footer's proposal

Custom illustration pack

We then continued our work on artistic direction: a new logo, an impacting title typography, powerful colorimetry, a set of inspiring illustrations. We have combined all these rules in a brand platform that contains no less than 90 pages.

We then continued to support Flomodia by monitoring their social networks, the deployment of this new brand on a showcase site, and the implementation of their future place dedicated to entrepreneurship.