🛎 Diiing. C'est le bruit (mal fait 😅) d'un email entrant dans votre boite mail. En moins d'une seconde, vous savez si vous allez l'ouvrir ou non ... Aïe, raté ! Vous ne l'avez pas ouvert.
Pour ne pas vous retrouver dans la même situation que cette entreprise que vous avez choisi d'ignorer, je vous ai concocté un petit guide. Que dis-je ? Je vous ai préparé LE guide ultime de l'emailing en 2022 !
Le marketing par email est devenu un outil incontournable pour la communication d'une entreprise. Alors aujourd'hui, j'ai envie de vous donner les clés pour que vos campagnes de mailing soient au top ! Vous le constaterez, l'emailing est un moyen efficace d'augmenter le nombre de vos clients et donc d'augmenter votre chiffre d'affaires.
Si vous désirez vous lancer dans la création de campagnes de mailing dès demain, sachez qu'il existe des solutions qui peuvent vous simplifier le travail.
On commence ? 🚀
L'email n'est pas mort ! Ce n’est pas votre boite mail pleine à craquer qui dira le contraire ...
En fait, l'email n'a même jamais été en si bonne forme : 294 milliards d'emails sont envoyés chaque jour dans le monde !
Du côté des entreprises, l'emailing peut rapporter gros. L'email est le canal le plus performant pour convertir des prospects en clients. En moyenne, il rapporte 39 € pour 1 € investi. Un R.O.I qui donne envie, non ? 🤑
A titre comparatif, l'email est même 40 fois plus efficace que Facebook et Twitter réunis pour acquérir de nouveaux clients. De plus, d'après le célèbre cabinet de conseil McKinsey, la valeur moyenne de la commande incitée par un email est 17% supérieure à celle générée par les réseaux sociaux. Ça vaut le coup, non ? 🤑
A ce stade, si vous n'êtes toujours pas convaincu par le potentiel de l'emailing pour votre business, je ne sais pas quoi vous dire ...
Je vous liste d'autres avantages à diffuser des campagnes d'emails marketing - sait-on jamais :
Je termine ce paragraphe par un chiffre : le taux d’ouverture moyen d’une campagne d’email marketing est d’environ 24%. Ça vaut la peine d'en envoyer, non ? 🤑
Il existe plusieurs types d'email. Ici, je ne vais pas vous parler des mails que vous recevez de Pierre, Paul, Jacques, vous vous en doutez. Non, je vais m'intéresser aux emails marketing et aux newsletters 👇
En fait :
💶 L’email marketing s’intègre dans une stratégie marketing à visée commerciale.
💡 La newsletter est un email informatif pour fidéliser.
L’objectif d’un email marketing ou d’une newsletter est de faire cliquer sur un lien.
Dans un email marketing ou une newsletter, on intègre du design dans la très grande majorité des cas. Ce peut-être un choix de réaliser une email très sobre, classique mais cela reste en rare.
Le destinataire d’une newsletter ou d’un email marketing a donné son accord pour que vous le contactiez, il vous a choisi.
Pour une newsletter ou un email marketing, on cible au moins des milliers de personnes abonnées.
Du coup, vous l'avez compris, les deux termes sont très proches : on considère qu'une newsletter est un email marketing. Mais un email marketing n'est pas forcément une newsletter : ce peut-être un email de panier abandonné, un email de bienvenue, un email de reconquête clients ...
Par contre, de grâce, ne confondez pas ces emails avec le cold mailing ! 🙏
Le cold mailing correspond à un email de prospection. Il s'intègre dans un plan commercial.
💬 L’objectif du cold mailing est de démarrer une conversation B2B.
Contrairement à la newsletter ou à l'email marketing, il n'y a pas de design dans un cold email. En fait, dans la forme, c'est un mail classique dont l'objectif est de convaincre, mais pas de faire cliquer sur un lien.
Le destinataire d’un cold mail reçoit votre mail par surprise, il ne vous connait pas.
Pour le cold mailing, on cible des petits groupes de personnes, voire des individus.
Maintenant que les termes sont posés, on peut continuer 🏃♀️
C'est l'heure des tips ✨
Le Règlement Général de la Protection des Données (RPGD pour les intimes) est un texte de loi de 88 pages qui a pour but de protéger les données des citoyens européens.
D'après le texte, envoyer un email de prospection est autorisé, sous réserve que vous ayez un intérêt légitime à le faire. De plus, la CNIL vous interdit d'envoyer un email de prospection à quelqu'un sur son adresse personnelle. Il faudra passer par son email professionnel pour l'atteindre 😊
Imaginez que votre mail arrive tout droit dans les spams de votre destinataire. Tout ce travail pour rien ... 😭
C'est exactement ce qui arrive lorsque votre adresse mail est black listée. Pour éviter que cela ne se produise, il faut que votre domaine de messagerie se "réchauffe" et qu'il ait l'air d'être associé à un comportement naturel, un comportement humain, et pas à un comportement de robot frénétique des envoi d'emails commerciaux en maaaasse 🤖
Pour ce faire, il existe des services de "Warm-up" qui vous permettent de tromper les fournisseurs d'accès à Internet pour que vos emails obtiennent un score de réputation positif et donc une bonne délivrabilité. Vous pouvez également attendre plusieurs jours après la création d'une adresse email dédiée et avant de commencer une campagne de cold emailing.
In this period of time, send emails in a natural way 🍃
Your email has arrived safely. The second challenge is for it to be open. For it to be so, you have only one option: write a good email subject! So you will have to capture Attention of your recipient and Convince him to open your email.
I'll give you an appointment below to get my advice 💡
AB testing is based on a simple idea: introduce A variation in two identical versions to define which approach works best. So, you can A/B test anything in your email, as long as you change one variable at a time. For example, you can specify one email subject in version A and another in version B.
It's exactly the same principle as a scientific experiment 😉
You have no idea how much you can improve the performance of your email campaign by changing simple elements... So why deprive yourself of it?
Put on your gown, test and analyze the results! 👨🏻 🔬
La personalizing is key. According to McKinsey “The best emails are the ones that give the impression of being personal.” Indeed, an email will not have the same impact if it is REALLY addressed to you and not to a horde of contacts from an obscure list... It sucks, it shows, it feels like a number!
Your recipient should feel special! 🤩 If you give himinterest And of the consideration he will be inclined to give you some in return... and therefore to respond to you.
Nobody wants to read an email for long. Everyone is chasing time, everyone is in a hurry in this world, don't forget it.
Think about what you can bring to your reader. He must have An interest in reading you : learn interesting things, discover an offer they need, save money, receive free advice... Something worth the effort to read to you 😅
Les KPIs, these Key Performance Indicators measure the performance of your emails. With them, there is no room for imagination and assumptions: everything is encrypted. Rates are calculated to allow you to assess and understand the performance of your email campaign.
Seriously analyzing your KPIs will allow you to learn from your audience and to do tweaks needed for the next one!
Building an email database is the base (hihi). Without email, no audience, logical.
To do this, I give you some tips:
Buying a mailing list is something you should definitely not do, because This seriously affects the deliverability of your emails. Many providers on the web promise you that you can access thousands of contacts for a few euros.
Don't fall into the trap, at the risk of having your emails go directly into your audience's spam!
It's an art 👩🏽 🎨
The base. To succeed in your emailing campaign, it is necessary toadapt your message to your target audience. You must therefore first of all define your customers, your personas.
Depending on your business sector and the characteristics of your customers, you need to determine what message they want to receive. A good marketing strategy is necessary to target the audience you want to correspond with.
You can also build on the information you already have about your customers.
Of course, you're not going to send an email individually for each person on your contact list. To create, automate and analyze your email marketing campaigns, there are many tools available according to your needs. I present them to you later ⏳
To get a good opening rate, it is essential to write the subject of your email well. A bad email subject and your email won't be opened 😥 I know, it's hard.
You must therefore make the recipient want to read yourself. I already mentioned it above, but in concrete terms, here are several strategies 👇
I wanted to write a bit more but it swore by my last piece of advice:
Your message is important, it is even the heart of a campaign! So it must be relevant and adapted to the target audience. Of course, it must have a Link to the title ... it's always useful to remind the 2-3 little tricksters who would be tempted to write “putaclics” titles as they say in high circles 😅
Your content should also be well-structured and presented clearly. Work your Copywriting - or call in an expert (👋).
In principle, this content should not be too long either. Indeed, a study carried out by MailChimp shows that Internet users do not want to receive messages whose text exceeds 20 lines...
It is important for Attract the eye of your reader and be immediately recognizable by him. No need to do tons of them, it all depends on your Branding. Everything must be consistent with your brand image and match your visual identity ✌🏼
👉 We distinguish between the tools of Cold mailing Tools ofemail marketing. Depending on the nature of your campaign, you will need to go to a dedicated tool.
It is a reference tool in the B2B environment. One of its strengths is that it offers original email templates. Likewise, a great deal of prospecting content is available to help you improve yours.
It is an intuitive tool that has a clear and ergonomic interface. The reporting functionality is very easy to analyze. In addition, deliverability rates are excellent.
YAAM for Yet Another Mail Merge works very simply. For example, the contact base is on a Google spreadsheet. The price of a YAAM subscription is extremely competitive (40 dollars per year regardless of your volume of shipments). In fact, the tool is more suitable for small campaigns.
It is a tool for sending cold emails to sales teams. You will find email templates, a voice call function and many other features.
It is a simple and easy to use tool. Initially, Mailshake was an email marketing tool before becoming cold mailing software. It is a safe bet, a solution that offers many functionalities such as a lead scoring or integrated telephony module.
It is a good alternative to Mailchimp: the platform offers as many functionalities while being less expensive. If we go back to the previous example, with the same data, you will pay €39.55/month. In addition, its deliverability rate is higher than that of Mailchimp: 89% against 85.8%.
It offers numerous functionalities, allows you to create beautiful email campaigns and provides a complete analysis of shipments. However, the tool is expensive: the more contacts you have, the more expensive the cost will be. For example, if you have 10,000 contacts to whom you send a weekly newsletter, the cheapest subscription amount is €79.11/month...
It is a French tool that is very easy to use, but limited in terms of functionalities, especially in terms of design and automation. On the other hand, its deliverability score is very high. For 15,000 shipments per month, you will be charged €14.
👩🏻 💻 An email is a html and css code. Yes, it's like a website! And as for a website, it exists no-code tools to create them.
Among them, there are Stripo. At Elias, we consider it to be the best no-code solution on the market for designing marketing emails. Attention, I repeat it is a design tool and not a tool for sending emails.
In short, Stripo allows you to quickly build responsive email templates without any html skills and gives you access to over 300 free email templates! Of course, the tool is widely integrated with many email service providers such as Mailchimp for example.
If you want to test Stripo, don't deprive yourself, a free version awaits you 🎉 You won't regret it 😏
Let's get serious! Analysis of numerical data.
By taking note of Key Indicators Performance (KPIs for those close to you) you can't tell yourself stories... To know the performance of your emailing campaign, I invite you to focus on these indicators:
This is the percentage of recipients who opened an email divided by the number of emails delivered.
Opening rate = (number of opens ÷ number of emails delivered) × 100
It is the percentage of recipients who clicked on the link of an email divided by the number of emails delivered.
Click rate = (number of clicks ÷ number of emails delivered) × 100
It corresponds to the percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from the campaign or the email list via the unsubscribe link.
Unsubscribe rate = (number of clicks on the unsubscribe link ÷ number of emails delivered) × 100
This is the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link after opening an email. This value makes it possible to better understand the click rate based on the open rate.
Responsiveness rate = (number of clicks ÷ number of openings) × 100
It represents the percentage of failed shipments based on the total number of recipients. This rate takes into account hard bounces (non-existent or blocked email) and soft bounces (email temporarily unavailable). Emails received as spam are also included in the bounce rate.
Bounce rate = (number of failed mailings ÷ number of emails sent) × 100
Here is a last tool that could save the opening rate of your next email. It is an attractive text generator, a copywriting AI in short, that will help you write your objects (I hope so ❤️). I give it to you, it's my generous side (take advantage of it 🕺): click here to find out!
It's not that I'm bored, but I'll leave you with these nice words. I wrote a lot today... Luckily it wasn't an email!
This guide is over! Do you want to read another one? On the processes of creating a website? Come over here 🎉